3 useful tools on Ubuntu that I use

4 min readMar 15, 2021


Hello everyone,I am Enes. Today I want to talk about to tools that save your time and much more things for your productivity…

sometimes I feel like :)


Classic “hello world”

The first tool that called ddgr is a open source project that you can find source code on github.This tool works on terminal for the search from browser.Default browser is DuckDuckGo which is another open source project.You can search anything you want to see on browser,and you can quick search,copy link,copy words,you can specify what you want to see with -w parameter or you can open this site on your browser with just one command.I will share with you “usage” for give to idea,we will see better that actually what we can do…


usage: ddgr [-h] [-n N] [-r REG] [--colorize [{auto,always,never}]] [-C]
[--colors COLORS] [-j] [-t SPAN] [-w SITE] [-x] [-p URI]
[--unsafe] [--noua] [--json] [--gb] [--np] [--url-handler UTIL]
[--show-browser-logs] [-v] [-d]

DuckDuckGo from the terminal.

positional arguments:
KEYWORD search keywords

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n N, --num N show N (0<=N<=25) results per page (default 10); N=0
shows actual number of results fetched per page
-r REG, --reg REG region-specific search e.g. 'us-en' for US (default);
visit https://duckduckgo.com/params
--colorize [{auto,always,never}]
whether to colorize output; defaults to 'auto', which
enables color when stdout is a tty device; using
--colorize without an argument is equivalent to
-C, --nocolor equivalent to --colorize=never
--colors COLORS set output colors (see man page for details)
-j, --ducky open the first result in a web browser; implies --np
-t SPAN, --time SPAN time limit search [d (1 day), w (1 wk), m (1 month), y (1 year)]
-w SITE, --site SITE search sites using DuckDuckGo
-x, --expand Show complete url in search results
-p URI, --proxy URI tunnel traffic through an HTTPS proxy; URI format:
--unsafe disable safe search
--noua disable user agent
--json output in JSON format; implies --np
--gb, --gui-browser open a bang directly in gui browser
--np, --noprompt perform search and exit, do not prompt
--url-handler UTIL custom script or cli utility to open results
--show-browser-logs do not suppress browser output (stdout and stderr)
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
-d, --debug enable debugging

omniprompt keys:
n, p, f fetch the next, prev or first set of search results
index open the result corresponding to index in browser
o [index|range|a ...] open space-separated result indices, ranges or all
O [index|range|a ...] like key 'o', but try to open in a GUI browser
d keywords new DDG search for 'keywords' with original options
should be used to search omniprompt keys and indices
x toggle url expansion
c index copy url to clipboard
q, ^D, double Enter exit ddgr
? show omniprompt help
* other inputs are considered as new search keywords


$ sudo apt-get install ddgr


if we can’t see,we can’t code

The second tool that called redshift is a open source project that you can find source code on github.This is for our eye healthy,you are working at night or you are just working too much time on your computer,sometimes you can feel ache in your eyes.so this tool your medicine,it can be useful for you.Since I use redshift,I’m not feeling ache to my eyes, particularly at evening time.Usages and Installation is very simple for that and if you’re on Windows, you can use default screen brightness settings for the night light from the settings…


$ redshift


$ sudo apt-get install redshift


search on your computer

The third tool that called synapse.This is for searching on the computer.İf you want to easiest way the search something, this tool can be helpful. Usage is simple,installation is simple and everything is simple, because idea is simple and That’s why I love that.So just press ctrl+space and go ahead…


$ synapse
- and after the type "synapse" just press CTRL+SPACE
- if you want to close that window press ESC or click anywhere on the screen
- if you want to fully close that stop from the terminal press CTRL+C


$ sudo snap install synapse


This is our summary section.I think that’s enough,These are the things that come to my mind for now,if I find to add something I will add later.I hope this is helpful for you. Thank you for reading,See you the next article…

